Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Alumni Success Stories: Faculty of Shariah & law Mr. Iftikhar Azad


Mr. Iftikhar Azad
LLB (Hon's) 1996
Judicial/Legal Translator & Interpreter” at
 “Dubai Courts & Department of Justice


Iftikhar Azad an Alumnus of the Faculty of Shariah & Law Graduated with a degree in LLB (Hon’s) 1996. Currently he is working as a “Judicial / Legal Translator & Interpreter” at “Dubai Courts & Department of Justice - Dubai UAE”.


He has been working in different Banks across the Gulf Countries since 2006. He has been providing shariah trainings, working in the Shariah Advisory board Dubai and was the head of Sharia Compliance & Audit, also the Internal Sharia Reviewer and Secretary to the Sharia Supervisory Board in Oman Muscat.


Mr. Iftikhar Azad is a certified Sharia Advisor and Auditor and holds a diploma in Islamic banking. His studies and hard work has made him achieve is goals and now holds a highly reputable position in the Islamic Banking Sector and Judicial Sector of UAE.


We are proud of his achievements and we wish him the best in his professional career ahead. We pray that his journey as “Judicial / Legal Translator & Interpreter” at “Dubai Courts & Department of Justice - Dubai UAE”, be a successful one. Ameen