Monday, August 30, 2021

Alumni Success Stories: Faculty of Usuluddin Dr. Ibrahim Farah Abdullahi


Dr. Ibrahim Farah Abdullahi

M.A Islamic Studies 1990-1993

Lecturer Kenya University / President all Pakistani Alumni Association Kenya

Dr. Ibrahim began his journey in IIUI back in the year 1990 with a Master’s Degree in Islamic Studies Hadith & its Sciences.


He started his professional journey teaching in Islamic Colleges and since then kept heading forward till he became a permanent faculty in one of the best Universities of Kenya.


He has been a member of different Board of trustees of different universities; he has been working as a curriculum developer and consultant that has shaped the educational system in Kenya.

Dr. Ibrahim is now also the President of the all Pakistani University Alumni present in Kenya. He initiated his connection with his Alma Mater and both are pursuing to bring all IIUI Alumni on one platform.

His efforts and commitment is commendable and we wish him all the best in his current position and pray he becomes an inspiration for the future, Ameen.