
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sad Demise: Ayyaz Ahmed IIIE Alumni Class 2007-2009


It is with Heavy heart to share this, that our beloved Alumnus Mr. Ayyaz Ahmed from the Faculty of IIIE Msc Economics, Class of 2007-2009 and a Gold Medalist as well, has passed away in a car accident in Pakpattan. 

إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎, ʾinnā li-llāhi wa-ʾinna ʾilayhi rājiʿūna

According to his class fellow he was a good and humble person and was also a good student and teacher. He was working at the University of Lahore Islamabad Campus.

He would be missed dearly.

Lets all pray for that he may rest in peace, his sins be forgiven and he be granted one of the highest places in heaven.

"O God, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present among us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O God, whoever You keep alive, keep him alive in Islam, and whoever You cause to die, cause him to die with faith.